Droneria Emiliana was born in 2015 when if you wanted to use a drone you had to build it yourself.
We have chosen to mix technics and art,
this is the recipee that made us work togheter with some important production company:
Cinema (Saremo Giovani e Bellissimi, Non Odiare, Dittatura Last Minute,
Le Avventure di Carlo Monterossi, Veleno)
Documentary for national and international network (Sky Arte, Artè, Amazon Prime)
Corporate Videos for the most importatnt brands (Ferrari, Pagani, Lamborghini, Audi,
Juventus, Microsoft, SNAM, Openfiber, Philip Morris)

Massimo Tabai: Pilot
(Authorised operator for critical operations in standard scenery S2)
How does it work? How is it built? Can I do it myself? These are the three main questions when I see something interesting and obviously this is what I did when I first saw a Drone. After a while "Droneria Emiliana" was born.
I am the "Technical" soul of this project and I take care of piloting, modifing and mantaining our fleet always efficent.
Alessandro Vezzani: DOP, Operator
Always fascinated by images, after graduating from the Experimental Center of Cinematography in Rome, I dedicated myself exclusively to MOVING images, in all its aspects. Of course they could not miss the shots "from above".
I am the "Artistic" soul of Droneria Emiliana and I take care of making your aerial shots visually and aesthetically better.